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ScholarLMS – The Cloud-based, Open Source Alternative to Moodle™2023-08-22T12:29:01+05:30

Tired of managing your Moodle™ platform?

We revolutionize online learning with our cloud-based solution, ScholarLMS. If you’re in search of a hassle free customizable alternative to Moodle™, look no further. ScholarLMS combines the flexibility and robustness of Moodle™ with additional features and seamless cloud integration, making it the ideal choice for educational institutions and businesses worldwide.

Have questions? Get in touch

Tired Man looking for an alternative to Moodle

What Does It Take to Run Moodle™? A Lot!

Running Moodle™ requires a significant investment of time, effort, and resources. From setting up and maintaining the infrastructure to ensuring regular updates and addressing technical complexities, managing Moodle™ demands substantial commitment. Our deep knowledge and extensive experience have given us insights into the demanding nature of managing Moodle™.

  • Infrastructure Costs – From $500 to $2000 per month
    Scalable cloud-based hosting options like AWS or Azure can cost anywhere from $500 to $2000 per month, depending on the size of the infrastructure and usage.

  • Technical Support – $5,000 to $10,000 per year
    Outsourcing Moodle™ support to a Moodle™ service provider can range from $5,000 to $10,000 or more per year, depending on the level of support required.
  • Development and Customization – From $10,000 to $50,000
    Hiring Moodle™ developers or partnering with Moodle™ experts for custom themes, modules, or functionality can range from $10,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on the complexity and scope of the customization.
  • Maintenance and Upgrades – From $1,000 to $5,000
    Ongoing maintenance and upgrade costs can vary depending on the organization’s size and requirements. Estimates range from $1,000 to $5,000 or more per year.
  • Data Security and Privacy – $500 to $5,000
    Costs associated with data security measures, such as SSL certificates, firewalls, and compliance with privacy regulations, can range from $500 to $5,000 or more, depending on the organization’s security needs.

For Small Businesses

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For Enterprises

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Why ScholarLMS

We understand the unique needs of modern educational institutions and businesses. That’s why we’ve developed ScholarLMS – an on-cloud customized version of Moodle™ designed to overcome the challenges faced by traditional Moodle™ deployments. Here’s why ScholarLMS stands out as the ideal Moodle™ alternative:

On Cloud Deployment

ScholarLMS harnesses the power of cloud computing, eliminating the need for on-premise infrastructure and providing a hassle-free deployment experience. Simply sign up with us, outline your requirements, and leave the rest to our expert team.

Simplified Setup and Maintenance

With ScholarLMS, you can say goodbye to complex installations and updates. Our cloud-based solution ensures automatic updates and maintenance, saving you time and effort.

Scalability and Performance

ScholarLMS leverages cloud scalability, allowing you to effortlessly handle large user bases and course loads without worrying about resource constraints or performance bottlenecks.

On Demand Customization

Whether you require plugin development, advanced reporting capabilities, or the enhancement of existing plugin, we have you covered. Our highly skilled technical team, can customize your LMS site to precisely meet your unique requirements.

White Labeling

ScholarLMS enables you to create a branded and visually appealing LMS site that reflects your organization’s unique identity. Incorporate your own logo, brand colors, fonts, and custom domain, and design a seamless learning experience for your learners.

Dedicated Support and Training

At ScholarLMS, we provide comprehensive support, professional training, and ongoing assistance to ensure your daily LMS adminstrative experience is smooth and successful.

Get in touch

Interested in our product? Share your project’s requirements with us, and we’ll promptly get back to you.


Common Questions

Why should I consider migrating from Moodle to ScholarLMS?2023-06-23T19:08:31+05:30

ScholarLMS offers a range of benefits over Moodle, including a hassle-free cloud-based deployment, personalized customization options, and a user-friendly interface. With ScholarLMS, you can enjoy enhanced flexibility, scalability, and a tailored e-learning experience.

Is it possible to migrate my existing content from Moodle to ScholarLMS?2023-06-23T19:09:34+05:30

Yes, our team can assist you in seamlessly migrating your courses, modules, and learner data from Moodle to ScholarLMS, ensuring a smooth transition without losing any valuable content.

How can ScholarLMS improve the learning experience for my users?2023-06-23T19:16:36+05:30

As compared to Moodle, ScholarLMS takes the user experience to new level, providing an intuitive and enhanced interface for both admins and learners.

For learners, ScholarLMS offers an immersive interface that promotes active learning and knowledge retention.

Administrators, on the other hand, benefit from a streamlined and intuitive interface that simplifies administrative tasks. With an efficient user experience, admins can efficiently manage courses, track progress, generate reports, and effortlessly handle administrative responsibilities.

Can I customize the look and feel of ScholarLMS to match my organization’s branding?2023-06-23T19:17:19+05:30

Absolutely! With ScholarLMS, you have full control over the visual appearance of your e-learning platform. You can customize the site with your own logo, brand colors, and even use custom domain names, ensuring a seamless integration with your organization’s unique identity.

What kind of support and training is available when migrating to ScholarLMS?2023-06-23T19:18:05+05:30

We provide comprehensive support and training to ensure a smooth transition to ScholarLMS. Our team of experts will guide you through the migration process and provide ongoing support to address any questions or concerns. Additionally, we offer training resources and documentation to help you and your team make the most out of ScholarLMS.

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